The last new Moon of the year occurs in sidereal Sagittarius, at 15 degrees of Purva Ashadha, “the invincible star”. The ruling deity is Apo devi, or the Apas, the water goddesses of purification & regeneration who rule the cosmic and earthly waters or oceans. They are, we can say, mothers, nurturers and healers. Hence, we start off the new year with beautiful healing energy and victory available to us.
Sagittarius is the sign of learning, traveling, expansion, aiming high and looking up at the silver lining (the bright side, optimism, hope), and wisdom. This is the time to set our new year resolutions or intentions, and aim high as the supportive energy of the Apas are with us now.
Its ruler, Jupiter, sits 6th from the new Moon and is retrograde, emphasizing healing, problem solving, and improving our daily routine. Jupiter is squared by Saturn, which hinders, blocks or delays its expansive nature. We may be going back and forth from optimism to pessimism, this is normal. This square suggests an obstacle to overcome that will make us stronger in the end.
Venus, ruler of Purva Ashadha, sits in the 3rd house from the new Moon, conjunct Saturn, indicating karma to be faced in our interpersonal relationships, as well as hinderances & delays in travel plans, and financial blockages/problems. There could be a crisis surrounding women or a woman in the world that will yield media attention.
Mars Retrograde in Cancer makes a quincunx to both Saturn and Venus in Aquarius, which suggests a sudden difficult incident, such as an attack especially. The exact quincunx of Venus and Mars is on January 3rd, Mars will simultaneously be in opposition to Pluto on this day. Be careful while travelling or avoid traveling altogether, until after January 3rd. Be weary of crowded placed during new years eve celebrations.

Mars retrograde and debilitated in Cancer sits 8th houses away from the new Moon, which is problematic especially while opposed Pluto, this contributes to acts of violence, heated attacks/explosions, and anger. At the spiritual level however, it can be a very transformative and regenerating time. Please avoid conflict as best you can, especially with those who are easily triggered or easily prone to aggression.